Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Thanks God..
rindu ku terlerai..

Friday, March 26, 2010

~No matter the accusation of people, if you are right, let God vindicate you. Silence, they say, sometimes, is the best answer to a fool.~

~Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.~

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rest In Peace

Just now, my friends came by to my house... They told me about the story.. that he has passed away. He was pursuing his study, training as a MA in Melaka. I know a bit story abt him from my classmate during my school day.. but in school, I am not really know him well.. Just heard his name from their mouth..

Before this, I saw a video of memory of him in the facebook's news feed. CLICK HERE but I didnt realise it was him. But that moment, when I watched the video.. "aie....Mcm ku kenal and familiar ja budak tu" but I just ignore it.. until today, after my friends told me that Ricky was passed away.. I watch the video again, whether it is him or not.. Yes.. It was him.. The name mentioned by my friend just now is the same with the name that was written in the video.. And that moment... my mind said .... "WOW..... I cant believe it..no wonder I was quite familiar with the face n his name when I watched the video that day..." He was in form 5 and I was in form 3..

For his family, a deep condolences from me..
For late Ricky, even I dont know u quite well, may you rest in peace..

Sunday, March 21, 2010


eh..hold on a second.. ok.. dont worry.. keep on aiming high.. keh3...

Friday, March 19, 2010

Aim TOO high?Please dont

I should not aim too high abt this. At first, for sure Im trying not to aim too high..
And maybe for sure again, aku mgkin kecundang pada akhirnya.

If you dont want to take the responsibilty,
If you dont love urself,
If you dont love and dont believe in God,
If you dont know how to appreciate people,
If you havent ready for this,


Tak Suka

I hate when people send me a sms by using the very short form..
If simple short form like:

Tidak : tdk/x

Saya : Sy

Tidur : tdr

Still ok.. Accepted n I still understand the words..

If like this :

Ukai : Kay

Yg huruf I tu tukar pg Y..

Sorry : Sowie, choey, etc.. (I really hate it) if sori still accepted.

Love : luv, lurp (dont use those words. luv or lurp or etc... the meaning is not kasih sayang. Ada ka korang tgk dalam perkataan Lurp or lup kamus ha???

Ngangau : ng2au(lg la tak faham kecuali sy pandai mengaitkan perkataan dlm ayat itu)

Diatu : dia2

Tua : 2a

Short form, short form pun aku agi meh di fahami org..

Yesterday, my friend texted me using the short form like that.. And me, straight to the point telling her that I dont understand the words...padan muka...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Si baju pink(not pink la..peach color)

this evening.. My friends and I went to Sarikei..
First, to settle down their account book..
Second, to celebrate si OS's birthday.

So.. We went to SugarBun.. Then, after finished our breakfast+lunch, we went to NgiuKee. On the way to NgiuKee, we stopped by at a shop and just want to make a move... Suddenly,.........

"Baju pink!! Baju pink!!"(bukan pink..peach color..) a voice scream from 350 sentimeter behind us..
I know that among 4 of us, it was just me wear the peach color that was just look like pink color t-shirt.. and I look people in front of me.. there was no people use the pink t-shirt n there was also no people on front of me.. But I still dont look behind..

My mind said, "Aik,bs barang ku tinggal ka??atau aku bs utai bdau byar??atau aku bs terbawa barang2 dlm sugar bun???"

Hairan ada, pelik pun ada, takut pun ada..

My friends said : Deb, she is looking for u. d ja ngena baju pink tu..

Then I looked back.. I saw a girl bertudung runs toward us.. and reaches in front of me and said : C kirim salam....
Me: ha??C??(because of a lot of negative things in mind, I was blur)
She : CK ya..
Me: Siney nya?(la suspen jak)
She: Ada la..cari sendiri...nya sik suruh padah..
Me : oo..ok..terima kasih

Then,we all blah.sambil ketawa2..
My friend thought


Cis!! memang geram rasa...lucu ja...suspen jak..dah la suara gadis ya tadi mcm...aa..entah..

Then jumpa Si SR aka Apai.. He is not a shy person anymore..keh3..ada perubahan...

Sunday, March 14, 2010


im happy...
but remember....dont aim too high abt this..
take it slowly...

Monday, March 1, 2010


haha.... When u read through out my posts... Seem that there are all abt kasih sayang... So u think I want to get married la... No darling.. u are totally wrong...

Just want to find out how to know that he is the one that was prepared by God for me..

Saja suka2....