Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Post Special Untuk Ary

6/12/2011 is Ary's 21st birhtday!

We, UMB, planned to celebrate Ary's birthday on 6th December night. At 1030pm the boys asked Ary to go down to join UMB meeting, to help me kunun discuss about the Pesta Integrasi. Hahaha...

Cun-cun masa ya memang ada meeting untuk Sekretariat Kebudayaan jam 9. He thought the meeting was at 9pm because UMB is under that secretariat. The boys tried to hold him from coming down because we are not ready. At last 1030++ pm he's coming down. My room mate and I with the cake came out from somewhere there. Hahahaaahahaha... Muka Ary memang muka semangat mau turun untuk bantu saya meeting kunun2 tu..

Only 4 of us, Bugar, Jai, Durie and me sang the birthday song for Ary. The others unfortunately have to attend their fgabungan floor meeting. Kesian Aryyyyy.... Nda pa la.. Biarla kami kami saja yang nyanyi untuk Ary... Ermmm... Biarla Ary..... hahahahah.... After 11pm then other friends came. We all berbual and gathered until 12++. Hoping that Ary will have a great ending of memory on his 21st years old.

What Ary said, " Mau tau ka? Dalam 21 tahun umur saya, ini la kek pertama saya. " I was touched by that statement OK. heeee... He really appreciate it. I can see it from his face. And for your information, it took quite a long time for him to slice his birthday cake. Hahahaha... Isn't that cuteeee????? First, because he sayang the wishes written on the cake. Second, because of the cake. Hahh.. I don't understand why he act like that. If others, the potong-memotong part is the one yang ditunggu-tunggu macam saya. Hahaha....

Inila birthday boy kami malam tu.

Kacak? Hensem? Haha. Sorry. Akan berpunya. Kan Ary?

Saya first time tengok Ary time kami Minggu Orientasi kolej. Ary jadi fasi time tu. Tapi masa minggu tu memang minggu menyampah dengan semua senior yang jadi fasi la.. Hehehe... Besa la. Lumrah minggu orientasi memang macam tu. When I become the faci for camp in school also the junior will feel the same way too. But if you get to know them better, it will change your perception towards that person 360 degree. Saya rapat dan kenal Ary time kami UMB pegi ke Melaka. Before trip tu, hermmm... jangan harap mau tegur satu sama lain walaupun dia kenal room mate saya.

Dalam banyak-banyak gambar yang paling saya suka. Saya pun tak tau kami fikir apa terhadap kek tu. Kami hanya mampu memandang dan menunggu. Hahaha....

Saya, Durie, Ary dan Pipim.


Next target adalah 2/1/2012 and 12/1/2012.

Yesterday, I experienced my first interview. What a shame.. Haaaaaaa......... I don't want to remember that moment again. I pray that I will get the scholarship if it is God's will because I want an encouragement. But if I didn't get the scholarship, thanked God for giving me the interview and the interview experiences. Please pray for it also

Eating this asam mangga while writing this post.Kepedasan dan kemasaman yang wOw.

Last but not least,
Saya JATUH SAYANG dengan UMB dan orang-orang di bawahnya. Saya suka dengan keakraban yang ada pada kita semua. Keep it up until we die do us apart. Oh ya. Fikiran untuk masa depan, time saya kahwin, semua bff UMB mesti datang. Wajib. WAJIB. Or apa-apa majlis yang ada kaitan dengan saya. ^^

Love while you can.
Gather while you can.
Celebrate each other while you can.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Christmas caroling. This is the first caroling in UPM. We don't how's the perception of people here. Hope everything is going to be smoothly and fine with God surrounds us.. Amen.

I received 2 pos laju yesterday. The first one is from my home, all my personal thingy. The second one is my Christmas gift. I bought it for myself. I totally satisfied with the gift because I am not very confident buying thing by online shop. When I took the envelope from the KTDI's office, I feel something big inside. Aikk takkan saya punya necklace punya besar dia punya biji. Sekali buka got cute little white small octopus. Hermm. Is it an octopus? Not sure. Sorry because I didn't choose the one that I posted that day because haven't found this one. After day by day looking for the best one finally I found this.

My Christmas gift for my self and cute little octopus.

Just came back from K2 with my scandel. :P I have to arrange the one night stay for our Baksis programme since I can't attend the programme soon. Meaning that I am going back to Sarawak and to be specific, Sarikei. I received the news last night from my classmate. Because he called me last night during my caroling practice. My facilitator asks him to give quite a simple task for me. But it took me until 2am to finish it, just waiting for others to reply my message. Then it was completed this afternoon. My pengarah for our group and his timbalan are nice. They thanked me for what I've done. But I ask for more jobs and tasks from them. Hahaha.. Yala.. I feel guilty I can't help them during the event.

I learn one thing today. You must shake hands with them first, if you have any official thingy to be discussed with them. Hah.. Malu nya saya. Saya dah la blur2 tadi. Tak tau la apa Puan pengurus tu fikir.. Malu, malu. But I learn from my mistake.

On my way back to my dorm I saw a pos laju list name. Got my name stated there. I go to pejabat am to take my pos laju dari home. Sekali buka tengok...

Kiuttt... Ada miss you lagi.
'Our love is simple I want you back my baby.'
I don't know who choose this pocket file.
Kiuttt... Sabar hati. Kejap lagi. Dah la tadi my mum sms me telling me they arrived at Sabah already with my aunties and uncles. Hermm.. Attending my brother's wedding reception at KK. Hermm..... Punya sedih. Luckily I have a room mate yang hu ha hu ha punya. Hahaha... This few days we angkat tilam tidur atas lantai. Sejuk. Best..