I received 2 pos laju yesterday. The first one is from my home, all my personal thingy. The second one is my Christmas gift. I bought it for myself. I totally satisfied with the gift because I am not very confident buying thing by online shop. When I took the envelope from the KTDI's office, I feel something big inside. Aikk takkan saya punya necklace punya besar dia punya biji. Sekali buka got cute little white small octopus. Hermm. Is it an octopus? Not sure. Sorry because I didn't choose the one that I posted that day because haven't found this one. After day by day looking for the best one finally I found this.

My Christmas gift for my self and cute little octopus.
Just came back from K2 with my scandel. :P I have to arrange the one night stay for our Baksis programme since I can't attend the programme soon. Meaning that I am going back to Sarawak and to be specific, Sarikei. I received the news last night from my classmate. Because he called me last night during my caroling practice. My facilitator asks him to give quite a simple task for me. But it took me until 2am to finish it, just waiting for others to reply my message. Then it was completed this afternoon. My pengarah for our group and his timbalan are nice. They thanked me for what I've done. But I ask for more jobs and tasks from them. Hahaha.. Yala.. I feel guilty I can't help them during the event.
I learn one thing today. You must shake hands with them first, if you have any official thingy to be discussed with them. Hah.. Malu nya saya. Saya dah la blur2 tadi. Tak tau la apa Puan pengurus tu fikir.. Malu, malu. But I learn from my mistake.
On my way back to my dorm I saw a pos laju list name. Got my name stated there. I go to pejabat am to take my pos laju dari home. Sekali buka tengok...
I learn one thing today. You must shake hands with them first, if you have any official thingy to be discussed with them. Hah.. Malu nya saya. Saya dah la blur2 tadi. Tak tau la apa Puan pengurus tu fikir.. Malu, malu. But I learn from my mistake.
On my way back to my dorm I saw a pos laju list name. Got my name stated there. I go to pejabat am to take my pos laju dari home. Sekali buka tengok...

Kiuttt... Ada miss you lagi.
'Our love is simple I want you back my baby.'
I don't know who choose this pocket file.
Kiuttt... Sabar hati. Kejap lagi. Dah la tadi my mum sms me telling me they arrived at Sabah already with my aunties and uncles. Hermm.. Attending my brother's wedding reception at KK. Hermm..... Punya sedih. Luckily I have a room mate yang hu ha hu ha punya. Hahaha... This few days we angkat tilam tidur atas lantai. Sejuk. Best..
2la kamu scandeL.. nasib baik saya x ketawa tadi... pngurus 2 nak shake tngan pon kmu blur2... ermmm, papun smua 2 akan mngajar kamu satu benda yg sgt penting... saya pon perna kena mcm 2... errmmmm.... about ur brother wedding, lets pray together for them supaya smuanya akan berjalan Lancar... sedih juga saya nampak kamu xdpt join abg kamu kawin.. but its okey.. one day, kamu pasti akan dtg sabah juga... walopun bukan utk berjumpa dgn sya... :-D :P... hahahahaha... tapi sekurang-kurangnya kita still dpt jumpa walopun satu hari nanti kita pasti akan TERseperate juga... sbbnya, ur are oredy have a family in SABAH... haaaaaa... thanks Lord sbb dy berikan rencana yg cukup perfect... mksudnya, scandeL bukan hanya sehingga saya meninggalkan UPM, tapi sehingga scandeL saya kawin nanti... hehehehehe... thanks Lord again for our perfect way... (^_*)....
anak buah kamu sgt best, cute... sa rindu punya anak buah spt kamu.. da betahun-thn sa x jumpa anak buah saya.. kaLo saya tak tersentuh time baca kandungan bLog nie, memang sahLah saya menipu... :)... ermmmmm... xpala biarLah saya x jumpa anak buah saya.. huhuhuhu... mungkin satu hari nanti akan tiba juga masanya saya jumpa anak buah saya... amen... (^_^)....
hahahaha... thanks sbb hide comment 2... ;)
Iya. OK.
jai jj, saya dah terbaca...haha, x pe ke ?
Hahahaha...Takpa la Jai.. Cuma dia takut saham saya jatuh nanti kalau ada orang baca tu.. hahaa
hahahaha... xpe Lai... kmu sorg xpa... hahahahaha... sa cuma takut nanti market debbie jatuh sbb saya,.. hehehehe
Iyeerrr.... Biarla market saya jatuh.. Haahahaha.. Saya lebih rela market saya jatuh. Nda sanggup kalau market saya makin tinggi.. hahhahaha...
:P... mokirayou la 2... kan bagus kalo market naik.. standard pon tinggi ke langit... haaaaa
Hahahaha... Memang saya rendah pun... Saya biasa2 ja. Tidak cantik...
Debbie dear,
How cme u cn understand the chinese bah? I mean tmpt online shop ya in Chinese syllable...hurm..mok juak ku on9 shopping...tp tkt x best...but whn i read this post, mcm me wan to ikut ;P
Blessed Christmas in advance UPM students :)
bagus.. merendah diri... hihihihihi
Aik Odre. You mean happy ej? Got english too there.But if you want to know, you have to ask directly to the tauke.
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