Sunday, July 29, 2012

Forest Camp

Actually, the tittle related to what story that I want to write here. After we sat for our final exam, we went for forest camp at Ayer Hitam for 2 weeks. Small matter - Forest camp. 24/6/2012-7/7/2012.

Until today, I keep on thinking why that guy do something like that. Something what? Some of the students are Christians including me and him. There must be AJK that will responsible with the students' welfare. The AJK keep on posting asking the church service on our forest camp group. I didn't saw him reply the post. I did reply 2 or more but less than 10 and the rest I just chat with the AJK asking and handle those thing. But I don't know whether he talked or not with the AJK before this about going to church. That one, I'm not sure.

During the camp, the AJK keep asking me how many students will go to the church and which church are we going. Camp commandant, vice camp commandant, urusetia, and ketua fasi were always calling to discuss about this thing. I know all the discussion and the information because they were telling me. I informed all the information given with the Christian's students. 

Nak dekat2 Sunday, on our second last discussion with the commandant, suddenly you tegur saya kenapa tidak ajak dia pergi jumpa commandant tu. He is not angry but he looks unsatisfied with me. I was looking for you that time but you said you are busy because you want to accompany me if the AJK were looking for me. You called out for me and asking me what they told me. I'm quite surprise for what you said to me and I still remember the words. "Kenapa ko tidak panggil saya masa jumpa mereka? blablabla *with unsatisfied voice* Jadi, sapa bawa hp antara kita? Nanti saya jumpa kem komanden ko ikut saya." And I answered me because THEY SAID they will give me my phone for transport arrangement after church service but not sure yet how they arrange it.

One chinese girl also siding him. Macam sokong apa dia cakap la. Because on that Saturday night, I met up with  the Christian's students. Before I speak even a words, she spoke first. She told what I told to her and him before this. She said " If you guys have any questions, you can ask tet. JUST REFER TO ONE PERSON ONLY." He was not there because of busy and he sent that girl to inform what I informed them before this. Oh my... Aku pun terdiam tanpa kata. I asked her why like that? The commandant always update everything with me. And you met the commandant or etc without me, not just like what you said to me that night.

'Sempat juak aku reflect diri ku. 'Apa aku tersilap buat tu? Why they condemn me?' In front of others gik ya. And they detect all the misunderstood there. I felt very bad you know and ashamed of myself. This is about religious and they done something like that. Ya I know my religious is not strong enough. But why don't they give me a support in doing that. I'm not good in sharing God's words but I may be can be good in other way example like those up there. Actually at first I don't want to handle this thing because going to church or not during the camp for me doesn't matter at all. But seems no body take in charge and as the AJK keep asking on the fb, so I volunteer myself to be orang perantaraan dengan peserta dan pihak kem. 

Is it because you want to be the leader so that you can have your phone? - The reason that popped in my mind.

Then, you handled on that Sunday. Most of the hard thing and I succeed in doing it is being rationalized with you and also her. Oh ya... God wants me to upgrade my humanity. 

This is my side of view and I don't know what is his and hers. Maybe I did mistakes there. I don't know.

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